Stonehenge Unhenged

Our efforts had not done much on Stonehenge with geometry because most of the stones are quite irregular and didn’t seem to be placed with an easily identifiable precision.  But that all changed when the north pair of stones were discovered to be exactly north of the center of the two outer circles.  After completing the there was some good hints to apply to Stonehenge.

Surely people can’t think that all the effort that went into Stonehenge was to be able to plant crops at the right time.  Or that it was a place for contemplating the spiritual world?  Stonehenge is a colossally important contribution to our modern civilization. We just have to learn how to read the message and perhaps listen to what it has to say. The study herein may be just the tip of the iceberg. If one thinks that is impossible, go to .

The Google Earth Image above is typical of structures already studied around the world.  It uses phi as a function of the basic unit of measurement and also phi as the important azimuth.

The longer white line going from the Stonehenge Center out to the northwest corner of the Heelstone is 261.80 feet in length(10 phi)^(2).  The azimuth is phi x 25 = 40.45 degrees as measured from east (marked in yellow).  The length of the yellow line is the latitude in feet at 51.178854 and is due east and west.

The longitude of the center is -1.826170 which multiplied by 200 is 365.234 which is remarkably close to the tropical year.  When the year of 365.25636 is used and divided by -200 the longitude is -1.826282 and that is exactly at the head of stone 14 that is shaped like a comet and appears to be dragging some bluestones. 

Using similar methods for the latitude, the longitude can be traced back to a hydrogen wavelength of 1.215678 and since the actual wavelength is a bell curve it is only by published standards that the most intense wavelength is 1.215668 and second is 1.215674.

The summer solstice varies but is always between the centerline and the northwest edge of the No.1 stone. The earth axial tilt varies by 2.4 degrees and these stones have room for 2.52 degrees between the axis and the No.1 stone. The vertical white line is due north and south to the Stonehenge Center and is discussed in detail further below.

For now we need to discuss the unique methodology the layout uses to calculate a precise latitude, since there is nothing in the structure to indicate latitude. In order to maintain some type of precision, in the balance of the diagram, the builders provided a very unique system for solving for the latitude.

The image below is from Mathcad and shows how simple conjugate ratios (a+b)/(a-b) are used with the latitude in two different equations for solving for a common latitude.  The two most abundant hydrogen wavelengths as stated above are 1.215668 and 1.215674 as precisely as we currently use as standards.

The outer 1.215668 * (e-1=1.718281828) and x 25 to yield the outside radius at 52.2215156…. in feet. 

The astronomical unit look a like number is derived two different ways with the same result, exactly.

Quantum mechanics method

[(1/4-1/81)*( 1/4-1/64)*( 1/4-1/49)*( 1/4-1/36)*( 1/4-1/25)*( 1/4-1/16)*2]^(1/2) *10^(10) =  149,597,985.58693

Earth to sun distance in kilometers (2000 epoch)                                                          =   149,598,022.951 about 37 km difference which cannot be measured

Ancient Egyptian method

Some think 20.625 is ancient Egyptian cubit in inches.  That divided by 12 gives 1.71875 feet which is middle A on the piano when doubled 8 times to 440 cps.

          (20625)^(1/2) / 96 = 1.4959798558693 obvious the same number as the quantum mechanics number but derived a totally different method.  The number 96 =12 x 8 but is also (1-1/ 5^(2)) = .96 or times 100 = 96 and is a factor in a specific hydrogen wavelength.

This precise number is used in the Mathcad solution.

As mentioned in the Newgrange blog, the earth/sun distance not only varies because of the eccentricity of the orbit, but also the average varies over time.  The model number used here is close enough to see why somebody would use it as a model input.

These two radii are used in a conjugate ratio in the Mathcad model image below. The two conjugate ratios are equal to a similar function of the earth orbital period around the sun in the year 1900 and as defined by scientific convention as 31,556,925.9746 seconds underlined in pink.

One can trace the common elements by the color of the underlines.  The latitude is provided at 51.178854 and is supported to lesser accuracy by Google Earth images.  Using the ruler tool with the “line” option, make a yellow line from any two points on the inside (more visible) of the sarsen curve.  Write down the length and azimuth.  Switch to the “path” option and trace over the yellow line the beginning, mid-point and end point using the length of the yellow line.  Then go back to the “line” option and draw a line perpendicular from the initial line mid-point using the “path” option.   The azimuth will be 90 degrees from the first line azimuth.

Switch back to the path and draw the path plenty far SW of the center along the mid-point perpendicular line.  Repeat the process for a second chord on the inner sarsen radius.  Where the second perpendicular to the chord intersects the first, is the center.  Move the cursor over to that point and check the latitude and longitude.  It should be exactly the numbers given in the model solution above.

The Anthony Johnson Book Image

In Wikipedia under “Stonehenge” you will find a serious detailed map of Stonehenge as submitted by Anthony Johnson in his book “Solving Stonehenge” published in about 2008 which I recently purchased from Amazon. The following image is from my Autosketch software with the Anthony Johnson image as a background.  The lines, circles and ellipses are very precise.  The reader just needs to decide if they fit or not.

The defining lines for the circle centers is the north solid red line and the heavy red line is the phi x 25 azimuth measured up from due east as mentioned above.  The three sarsens on the northwest marked in dark cyan are defined by a line from center at an azimuth of square root of phi x 100 and the ensuing angle is 50/phi at 30.9018 degrees.

The primary new observation is that not all the sarsens that are thought to be fallen were really ever stood up.  The two large stones (12 at the bottom and 25 at the top) are connected by a thick red dashed line where both the azimuth and length are a simple function of the square root of 3. The azimuth near south is the square root of 3 times 100 = 173.205 + 180 going from south to north. That number times 10/32 (32 is 2 raised to the fifth power, typical of ancient efforts) is the length.

In ACAD all the lines are infinitely thin but are made graphically thick here so they can be viewed more easily.

Stonehenge Center

The sarsen inner and outer circles were graphically fit to a three point circle and that is how the north line to the top stone was found.  Later, the center was established as defined by the north and phi based azimuth and redrawn as they are shown now.  They didn’t change much over a fraction of an inch.  Note there is nothing of significance around the centers of those blue thinner circles.

The red ellipses were tried to be drawn using the circle centers but nothing seemed to work.  The ellipses are centered about 5.63755 feet northeast of the circles center along the axis.  (see Newgrange for the source of that number) The axes of the ellipses are along the 25 phi axis marked in thick red. The ellipse aspect ratios are simple functions.

The dashed green marks the angle of ten sarsens at 115.1 degrees or times 10 = 1151 symbolic years.  This number is a key to understanding the basic purpose of Stonehenge.  This will be discussed much further below.

The cyan dashed lines demonstrate that even the taper on the sarsens might be indicating something.  One can see the lines are not only at an angle of significance but that they intersect on Stone 16.  Stone 16 is shown on the Johnson image as it is at the base (where folks can measure it).  It tapers significantly at the top so the intersection is actually quite precise at the higher elevation.

The details on the two north stones (26 & 127) is provided below.  Mr. Johnson labeled these as “fallen sarsen” but it is argued here that they were never standing and were designed to be a key to understanding Stonehenge geometry.

The Great Trilithon

Stones 55a and 55b are said by some to be fallen and broken stones.  Even Sir Petrie numbered them as if a single stone. However, if so they very fortuitously fell in perfect alignment of the northwest edges and at a 45 degree angle from both north and east (shown in thick blue dashed).

Stone 56 has a button on top and stone 80 a hole on one end so that is likely why some thought they were two stones to make the Great Trilithon completing with stones 55a and 55b.  Stone 80 is far too north to have fallen into that position.  If it fell, it had to have been moved, perhaps to get it out of the way of what needed to happen to 55.
However, there is a big problem.  The sum of the lengths of 55a and 55b is about 25-26 ft . Stone 56 is sticking out about 22 feet so its total length has to be around 30 feet since it is reportedly 8 feet into the ground. This is checked by multiple photographs with known widths and with data listed in Wikipedia and other sources.

It is not likely anyone would go to the trouble of making 55b so similar to 55a and then bury one end.  And there is no flat spot or button on either end of stones 55a and 55b.  Some will argue stone specimen thieves knocked them off.  But then too the gap between stones 55a and 55b is not representative of a clean break.  All the edges have been dressed and rounded off systematically and not done only by people seeking souvenirs.

Even back in Sir Petrie’s time, it was thought that stones 55a and 55b were once a single stone and broke when it fell over.  There is very good evidence that was not the case. The gap between the stones has a minimum distance of about 5 inches and therefore that is as big as the gap could have ever been.  When one falls a tree, the butt of the tree is almost always away from the stump about a butt diameter due to the angular momentum the center of gravity develops as it free falls once cut.

A stone that was buried into the ground even 4 feet would not generate such an angular momentum and would not move similar to the tree falling. There is nearly nothing that could make the stone move in the opposite direction to the southwest.  Stone 56 is now erected over seven feet NE of the SW tip of stone 55a. If stone 80 fell first and then stone 55 fell against it and broke, stones 55a and 55b would have a random arrangement.  The SW edges of the two stones are in alignment and at an azimuth of 45 degrees from either north or east.

The conditions of the surfaces of stones 55a and 55b are very different.  Stone 55a has a hewn sloping taper almost its full length and very flat as if formed and not broken on a natural crack.  Stone 55b has natural holes in the top surface which is generally flat and not tapered. The NE end of stone 55b shows serious impregnation of alternative stone material in the curved section which is at a precise 4 foot radius.  This does not sound like it was shaped by malicious stone specimen stealers.  The gap between the stones is rounded in two directions and in accordance with similar geometric radii.  It is not likely that stone stealers reached way down in the gap to get their treasures when there was plenty of much easier material.  

The positions of stone 55a and 55b are perfect to be lifted above the center of gravity and place the NE corner of stone 55b in the ground, perhaps in a shallow hole.  It could be that stone 56 was already erected and could have served at the mast to lift stone 55-55b.  As they attempted to raise 55a+55b, they broke immediately and were set back down in their initial position.

In the diagram below, an attempt is made to reconstruct a standing column from the two pieces of stone 55.  One can see that it would have been a very peculiar looking column and not nearly buried in the ground far enough to keep it standing.  Not only is the buried section narrow, but it also is curved and would provide little resistance to even wind, let alone earthquakes from the nearby fault lines.

The thickness at ground level is only 1.3 feet and the depth into the ground is four feet while most of the mass reaches up to 22 feet. It would be very top heavy. The curved arc on stone 55b is rotated in the red image so one can see it. The two stones are very nearly the same in plan view lying on the ground as discussed earlier. The top end of stone 55a and all of stone 55b is well over 3 feet in thickness while stone 56 is barely over 2 feet in thickness.  This is not something we see a lot of in the other trilithons at Stonehenge.

The image below of the stones 55a and 55b shows a magenta thick line from the southwest tip to the northeast tip.  The line is at an azimuth of 51.178854 (latitude of Stonehenge Center) and at a length exactly 2.5/(.3048^2) =26.90977 feet.  The reader must decide if it fits or not.

It is very likely stones 55a and 55b were repositioned in their current location and perhaps represent Constellation Lepus or something else like it. The two stones are positioned where a single stone would have been placed in order to have been raised up vertical and be in line with the other pillar stone. The right end of 55b would have been set into the ground and been much more stable. It could be that 55b was planned to be set shallow to purposefully allow it to vibrate.

Stone 26 and stone 127 are shown below and some of the geometry that seems to fit these stones quite well.

If the reader does not want to dig into the geometry and mathematics, just look at how the circles and lines fit together and fit the image so well.  However, it is the interconnecting geometry that makes the case for a design criteria.

After having established an approximate center for the outer large stones, it was noted that the right side of stone127 above was located pretty close to 90 degrees on ACAD where 90 is due north.  Then it was noticed that the second side was parallel and also oriented due north.  Then it was noticed that the bottom curve fit a circle and the top looked like an involute curve.  These curves were never buried in the ground.  Then the left stone seemed to have two circular curved sections.

The overall mathematics is likely far above the interest of most readers and so only the simple relationships are discussed at this time

Key to gaining confidence in the geometry is the multiple uses of certain numbers.  For example, the red dashed circle at the left is at a radius of square root of 6 feet with high precision.  The distance on the right from the center of the bottom green dashed circle to the center of the blue dashed circle as part of the involute is exactly 6 feet. There is repeated use of 6 in relationships.

Even the azimuths of various lines are a function of well-known numbers we use such as square root of 10, 365.25636 the sidereal days in the year and the perpetual occurring number 1.718281828 as the meaningful part of natural log base 2.718281828.

There will be readers, perhaps archeological professors, which will be internally hemorrhaging over the idea of complex mathematics a few thousand years BCA.  Perhaps for them it might be an easier pill to swallow that the ancients really didn’t know what they were doing but were only reacting to feelings maybe developed spiritually.  But the numbers are there and in multiple redundancies. (see the blog on King Chamber at end)

For the average reader, here is where this argument is going.  Stonehenge is similar to Arkaim in Russia and deals with the Great Comet of 1680 which is not a typical comet but is a very dangerous dark star with a mass several times that of earth.  This is likely the ninth planet Cal Tech folks are looking for and described by Sitchin and discussed in the Sumerian blog reference at the end of this blog.

One must keep in mind that any practical scale model of our solar system is impossible to draw on paper any size less than many football fields.  Therefore, certain “representations” are necessary to give the viewer the “idea” but are not necessarily all that representative on a scaled basis. Likewise, we do not have any “collapsed star materials” which are densities of tons per cubic centimeter, but we do theorize that the makeup is of neutrons, protons or an absence of electrons. We think the material is highly crystalline in nature.

Guess what bluestone is?  It is highly crystalline dolerite and a good article exists on Wikipedia under “bluestone”.  If one were to want to create a model, the general solar system consisting of the Oort Cloud , Kuiper Belt and planets with sun are thought to be the main contributions to mass.  We are only beginning to see the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud is largely still a theory, although the Voyagers are shedding more light as we speak. Mainstream science in the days of Titius and Bode were trying to resist the proclamations of the church that God created the planets and sun.  Even though the Titius-Bode Law accurately predicts 8 planet bodies, because two, Neptune and Pluto, were off, they threw out the whole idea and refused telescope time to anyone wanting to research it.  Now we know that Neptune and Pluto are very much impacted by the Kuiper Belt and the Law is significant….but…due to magnetics, not by God (see blogs at end)

The theory offered herein is that the stones we see are largely what existed ever.  The large stones “imply” a circle but never were a complete circle.  These stones are something that somebody might stick in a rock garden but are not shaped for building a house or anything useful. People have dug holes looking for missing stones and have caused others to think the holes were in fact the place where other stones existed in some cases.

Who could believe that the alignment with the summer solstice was of any great importance?  The fact is that June 18th was the date given for Comet 1680 perihelion and is near the solstice of June 19- 21st and is the time of year the Comet 1680 returns over the top and bottom of earth when earth is on the approaching side of the comet to the sun, unlike 1680 December 18th when earth was safely tucked away on the far side of the sun. That meant that the closest Comet 1680 came to earth at that time was around 140,000,000 kilometers.  When earth is on the approaching side, the Comet 1680 has to be much closer depending on the timing of earth’s orbit and the details of the comet path. (see blog on Newgrange listed at end)

Therefore, what is important is every other passing or a period of 1151 years. Comet 1680 would not be very visible at the Summer Solstice.  Traveling at perhaps over a million miles per hour it would not look like a comet but just a streak in the sky.  In the summer, the daylight is much longer and the total time to observe the comet would be hours to days and not weeks or months as it was in 1680.

What might happen when a large body comes near to water dominated planet earth? Fortunately, the speed is so high that about the time the comet has some influence, it goes by and only nudges earth a little.  But it could, and does, deform the crust on occasion which would make the near side of earth bulge toward the comet and the far side sink such that Mt. Ararat could be below sea level for a short period. One can imagine the earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis that would result. And the tectonic plate in the near east is quite small being smothered between two much larger plates which could account for a more serious crustal deformation. A three mile distortion in 8000 miles is almost not significant. The difference in earth radius between the equator and poles is about 13.7 miles and that is due only to rotational forces.

There is good evidence to support the idea that Comet 1680 is the actual cause of the axis tilt and the resulting solstice dates. There are two observations made in the last appearance in 1680-1681 that rule the debate. First one was that the comet was a sun grazing comet and so bright it could be seen in daylight.  The second was they initially thought there were two comets but only later decided in was the same comet coming and then going.  Paintings repeatedly show the comet with the tail pointing away from the sun just before sunrise and at a steeper angle than the JPL Horizon program shows it at 60 degrees. For observers to be certain of the two observations above, the comet approach had to be fairly near parallel to the earth-sun axis at solstice.

Contact was made with Alan Chamberlin at JPL Horizon website manager regarding the accuracy of the Horizon data for Comet 1680.  He indicated that the late Dr. Marsden had introduced the data from work done by Encke over 100 years after the Comet 1680 had appeared and there was no easy way to check on the data accuracy.

The data below is from Wikipedia article “axial tilt” or obliquity.  The chart was carefully measured in ACAD and the half cycles put into Excel and found that the overall average of the cycle periods was 78.98 x 575.5 years = 45,453 years.  Even more convincing of a relationship was the “time of reversal” which was 3 x 1151 years whereby the greatest influence on earth is on 1151 years cycle. The

The slope of the lines determines how much maximum tilt there will be since the period of the cycle remains pretty close to constant.  The total of 14 half cycles from 500,000 to 750,000 years is only 229 years longer than the total of the first 14 half cycles.  It appears that Comet 1680 stays on a pretty tight schedule and if the earth tilting angular velocity is slower, then it doesn’t get as far as other cycles where the angular velocity is greater.

Since the motion is always in the range where earth north pole is tilted toward the sun at least 22.4 degrees, there must be something about the earth and Comet 1680 that has more to do with the North Pole.  While the South Pole has Antarctica as a land mass, the north pole has all the top of Russia, Canada and Greenland.  And the ice would have a role to play as the ice ages have a cycle of about 25,000 years too.  When the ice age and Comet 1680 are in synchronization then there may be more angular momentum transferred to the axial tilt.

There just isn’t anything inside the earth that can make such a sudden reversal on such a rhythmic pattern.  Computer models also don’t show anything in the planet orbits that would allow them to collect on one side of the earth and then 20,000 years later on the other side.  Besides, the gravimetric force of the planets and sun are in the same plane as the earth and so they cannot cause such a rhythmic pattern.

Stonehenge is designed to call attention to the axial tilt and uses multiples of phi to find the precision of the layout.  The solstice is just a spinoff of this arrangement. Something that is maybe 70% of the mass of the sun and the diameter of the earth would offer a major gravimetric pull for the short time it passes near the earth every other time at 1151 years.  Due to the rotation of the earth, different areas on earth would be impacted at each passing.  Since the earth surface is primarily water, many events might have gone unnoticed in the relatively unpopulated earth a few thousand years ago.  But that would explain why there were so many tales of floods and yet the entire earth didn’t flood at one time and kill off all the animal and plant life, which is an argument mainstream science uses against the Bible enthusiasts.

For this speculation to hold water there has to be some serious evidence at Stonehenge.  But armed with the data from the Russian site Arkaim, it might be easier. The diagram below expands on the Anthony Johnson images earlier.

At the right the dashed green are repeated to show the 115.1 x 10 = 1151 cycle of the June 18th cycle.  The bottom dark magenta is measured counter-clockwise from the bottom dashed green.  The top one is measured clockwise from the top dashed green. Both lines find something significant.  The bottom finds stone 37 and the dark red dashed line intersects right at stone 37.  The top finds the center of the curved portion of stone 22.  This redundancy facilitates finding a system.

(copy this image and zoom it up in your photograph software)

Stone 15 marked with red and green dashed circles is right on the ellipses of the inner sarsens often called the horseshoe.  Note the ellipse is centered very near the center of the bluestone orbit marked in dark solid red.  The precise drawing uses the earth equator radius in feet with the decimal shifted appropriately.  The green dashed circle uses the distance from earth to the moon in miles with the decimal shifted.  The speculation here is that the horseshoe sarsens indicate near earth passing comets coming from the Oort Cloud or Kuiper Belt and in a large sense dragged here occasionally by Comet 1680.

Stone 14 actually looks like a comet and at its base are three bluestones 38, 39 and 40 perhaps suggesting the dragging nature of such a large massive body. The dark solid red ellipse is drawn to include as many bluestones as possible in either a grazing arrangement or thru the center.  The axis of the ellipse in on the Stonehenge axis of 25 phi = 40.45 degrees up from east.

This preliminary posting will continue the quest to find meaning in the remaining stones.  My special thanks to for the detail photos of the Stonehenge stones.

My special thanks to Anthony Johnson for his book Solving Stonehenge and in particular the image used in the background of ACAD analysis.

The Following is a second posting regarding the “pickaxe marks” found in a 3D scan.

The image below is from and is a 3 D scan done by York Archeological Trust for English Heritage.  This image was photographically treated to enhance the marks and imported into ACAD to see if there was any order to the so-called pickaxe marks.  The general interpretation has been these were marks made of the builder’s tools used to erect the Stonehenge arrangement.

If one does a search on using “Stonehenge 3D scan” the images are shown.

The image below is from ACAD which initially appeared to be a very precise 30-110-40 triangle.  The three point circle function was used to find features such as the pointed end of the axe, curvature of the axe head and the bottom mid-point of the handle.

The three point function was then again used to connect the circles and complete the yellow triangle with the perpendicular line to divide it into a 30-60-90 triangle on the left and a 40-50-90 triangle on the right.  This alone indicates that there is something special about these images.

Below in color is an initial rendering of the triangle using dimensionless ratios such as the radii of the circles and lengths of the legs.  With seven measurements there are 7x6/(1x2) = 21 direct dimensionless ratios and many more using conjugate ratios. One can see that this initial image is very close to the final solution found in Mathcad and provided in black type at the left of the image below.

The cyan hypotenuse type leg is “c”.  The top near horizontal red leg is “a” and the remaining red leg is “b”.

The Mathcad solution only changed the 40 degrees to 40.004328 and the 110.0022284 to 109.99627.  The 29.99777 increased ever so slightly to 29.9994. This all resulted from finding that the square root of (sqrt)(c/a)x 5 gave the perimeter quite precisely. Then it was noted that (b/a) = 7/9.  Then totally an accident it was found while calculating angles with the law of cosines that a^(2) – b^(2) – c^(2) = -10/sqrt (e) where “e” is the natural log base 2.718281828 or -6.065306596.

Just because you have three equations and three unknowns is no guarantee that a mathematical solution exists, but in this case there was. The direct solution was too complex for Mathcad to print in standard format, so I used the MinErr function to approximate the solution and kept substituting the answers back into the initial estimate until it quit changing. This provides a 14 digit solution with a format that can be easily understood. The direct solution is still being evaluated in matrix format.

This is just one of several examples where the pickaxe symbols seem to be far more orderly than one might think by first glance.  There are symbols in a row of three and other relationships not so obvious.  It is likely these function more like “place markers in ACAD”.

Whether the builders put these marks on the stones or somebody else did in more recent times will only be solved when the stones are dated by muon analysis or some other dating process. Whoever put the marks there was mathematically astute.

Knowhow at3 ctcweb dot3 net

Jim Branson

Retired Professional Engineering Manager


Continued Research in 2019

It is the speculation of this report that Stonehenge is far too complex to be simply some type of calendar or worship center.  Stonehenge actually does something…maybe something really important to the benefit of earth modern mankind.  Mainstream science tends to argue that if aliens built Stonehenge, there should be some sign of high technology such as laser carving.  But just as would happen to me if I went on a mission to Africa to assist deep state natives in learning how to find water and dig wells, no computers, gps or encyclopedias would do much good as that technology is too far ahead of the natives. The time we have spent arguing about how the heavy stones were transported is likely a total waste of time since the movement can be done quite simply with very simple technology perfectly appropriate to the times thought to be of the construction era.

The image below comes from Egypt and shows the movement of a very heavy statue of apparently somebody like Isis. It is much heavier than the sarsen stones. Circled in red is a man pouring something black onto the skid.  Shown in green are men apparently carrying a plank from the back to the front.  Shown in blue are people perhaps carrying vessels of lubricant to be added to the skids. Rather than skidding or rolling on the wet sand, it is likely that a series of six planks (three per side) were used to make a perpetual runway for the heavy load.  The coefficient of friction for lubricated wet wood sliding on similarly wetted wood rails would be very low compared to using round logs rolling on the desert sands.

The petroleum seeps around the earth are quite widespread and were known to be used even in Neanderthal era.  There would be no reason to believe that the builders of Stonehenge were not thoroughly familiar with that black liquid as a lubricant. There are also animal fat soaps that might be just as good but likely not colored black.

Although the exact sources of all the major stones at Stonehenge are not really known, all the possible locations are known.  None of the sources are located in such a place that a fairly good pathway to the Stonehenge area would be neither steeply uphill nor steeply downhill. In the case of the much smaller bluestones, their starting altitude might be as much as 1000 feet higher.  The areas just north of Stonehenge which likely sourced the huge sarsens are only a few hundred feet higher than Stonehenge.

Without going into too much technical discussion, a 25 ton block at a 3 degree angle has a gravity push of 1.3 tons.  If the coefficient of friction of the greased timbers is 0.1 then it would have a resistance of 2.5 tons.  That would make the force necessary to move it gently downhill about 1.2 tons or 2400 pounds, easily contributed by a few dozen people. Much of the distance from Wales to Stonehenge would be steeper than 3 degrees (about a Hiway slope) so the workers might need to hold the stone back or use wedges for braking.

The scheme for lifting the huge stones up high enough to slide down into a prepared ditch is shown below.  The stone is jacked up using small pieces near the centerline of the stone shown in red.  When a larger bridging beam will fit, it can be inserted and the process repeated until the desired height is reached. The elongated stones just about raise themselves.

Stone 56 has a precise curvature along one wide upper face and then a related curvature on top. Using the known width from the Johnson image, the radius appeared to be about 18.62+ feet in radius.  In trying to find meaning for that, the radius was doubled and taken times pi to find the circumference.  That turned out to be near 1.60217662^(1/3), so that value was temporarily used at 18.62331239.  Then it was noted the top surface had a radius just over 0.99 and dividing that into 18.62 for a dimensionless ratio gave the number which when made negative and taken to power of ten yielded a number very close to the basic charge including the 10^(-19). The top radius was set to 0.99085 and the dimensionless ratio was made -18.79528961 and that gave 1.60217662 x 10^(-19), the basic unit of charge. These two uses of basic charge suggest to me stone 56 is designed to do something involving electricity.

It was noted there were 3 equations all using only the basic charge number of 1.602176xxx.  A Mathcad model solution was set up and is shown in the image below.


The Mathcad symbolic exact solution was a complex equation.  The MinErr function returned a value between some of the Codata values occurring between 1986 and 2014.  The Codata values always have a standard variation of 2 to 4 x 10^(-8) suggesting the value is only good to eight digits.  In substituting a pretty wide variation for the Mathcad “suggested input”, the output in MinErr only changes in digits beyond the 11th digit.

If the reader is interested in some additional details, take a look at the next image.  Otherwise, just skim over it.

In contact with the folks who generate the Codata (NIST) list of universal constants, their method of establishing “their best estimate” involves more of a history of laboratory data and multiple research efforts involving multiple constants.   Perhaps the Stonehenge design seeks to give us a model number that won’t vary so much.  Our measurement of the gravitational constant often varies in the 5th digit routinely.  Intelligence trying to give us a heads up on technical development would likely want to use a number more constant than that. A further discussion of the electric charge constant can be seen at the King Chamber blog listed at the end of this blog.

A green line drawn from the center of the top circle down to a perpendicular line at the bottom of the curvature is the dimensionless ratio of 5 / 2.0618 where the latter is in the neighborhood of the Egyptian cubit as used in defining the earth/sun distance for models. (King Chamber blog)

The number (2.0618 / 1.6021766 * 20)^(1/6) = 1.71828167 which seems to be another relationship involving charge and (e -1) = 1.718281828.

Stone 56 is not only higher than anything else, it is much smoother and obviously some type of interface between Stonehenge and something else.

Trilithon Orderly Amplification

Now since the faces of the trilithons are not prepared smooth and precise enough to reflect acoustic or electromagnetic waves reliably, what if the trilithons are really more like grids in the old vacuum tubes and change the direction of charged ions due to the charge on the trilithons which may come from Comet 1680 as it approaches earth on the 1151 year cycle (double 575.5). 

The fundamental theory of this effort is that Stonehenge was designed to perform some function when Comet 1680 returns in the summer time around June 18th and at a time when earth is potentially positioned to pass thru the tail of the comet. Obviously, Comet 1680 has made passes near earth for millennia and it doesn’t always cause much damage, but it looks like it could in 2256 and 3407 AD. If stone 55 broke while trying to hoist it into place with the south end of stone 55a on top, then a Plan B might be to carve the two pieces into something that would give us a hint at what needs to happen next.  Stonehenge may still be partially unfinished.

It appears that stone 55 with the south end of 55a on top and the thick north end of 55b in the ground could act like some type of grid that could alter the electric field around stone 56.  This combination could act like a record player needle and stone 80 anchored on stone 16 would allow a connection between solid earth and incoming ionic pulses.  The new stone 55 would be able to pivot minutely in the soil due to the curved bottom end.

The only people who now understand electronics are those that study solid state devices which deeply hide what is happening unless you know the theory.  The old vacuum tubes were often transparent and one could see if they were burnt out or if the grid wires were broken.  The tube testers were available to the common man even at grocery stores and thereby introduced some of the theory to the layman by experience. In examining some of the tubes in Wikipedia under “vacuum tubes” I see combinations of grids that could be a relative of the trilithons. This approach seems to address how you can use the relatively imprecise trilithons in a precise electrostatic operation.

The image below attempts to show one possible scenario of something similar to acoustic feedback.  One doesn’t hear it so much anymore because the people who set up sound systems are much more highly trained than decades ago. If the speakers are placed fairly near the microphone, the system latches onto a dominant sound and amplifies it over and over in a continuous loop until it reaches, usually a loud high pitched squeal.

Anytime near the summer solstice of years 1151 measured from 1104, Comet 1680 is approaching earth headed toward the rising sun.  This provides ample time for some focusing to occur between anything being emitted from Comet 1680 and Stonehenge. Just as an example, incoming waves parallel to the 40.45 red line axis are shown and their reflections that gradually get to the stone 56 area.  The cyan and green are shown to get there.  The blue and the black are examples of waves that are shielded or just don’t have the right angle at that time.  The angle of Comet 1680 to the earth-sun axis likely is changing slightly as it approaches.

It is likely we do not have technology capable of even sensing the output.  However, anything like a galactic federation may be monitoring the output and can use the data to project how serious the influence will be.  They would not want to organize an aids group unless something big is going to happen as it did in 8104 BC when Noah was building his Ark which now likely is sitting atop Mt. Ararat in Iran.

It is thought by many that there may not be much that can be done to alter the course of the huge Comet 1680 and it may not be difficult to make things much worse.  However, many productive actions could be taken to preserve our civilization such that the surviving people can rebuild quickly and perhaps reach a sophisticated civilization capable of dealing with the Comet 1680.  With 7 billion people, some are bound to survive most events.

All the people alive now will be long dead before 2256 and since there are humans all over the universe, preserving our particular brand may not be that important in the long run.  However, it will be very important to the people alive in 2256.  These distant relatives of ours will be mighty grateful if we can do something that helps.

Bluestone Groups

Most scholars think the builders were intrigued by the apparent characteristics of the bluestones.  The image below highlights the analysis of the positioning of the bluestone groups which at first glance appear to be almost randomly placed inside Stonehenge.  The analysis appears to show that the bluestones were selected for very important reasons.

The angles were entered into an Excel spreadsheet and many types of relationships such as dimensionless ratios and sums of ratios were checked for some type of mathematical relation.  Two such relationships are shown below.

Clearly the sine and cosine functions point to some type of order that should not be there if these are purely random numbers.  These relationships were incentives to look a little deeper into the potential reasons for the particular angles used in the placement of the bluestones.

The image below shows the Mathcad solution which was found with very high statistical relationship to the initial data and in a consistent pattern suggesting it was done with purpose.


The initial measured angles are named c11 thru c15 and are from the image above. Many of these relationships such as the first sum of c11 thru c14 matched the square root of 7 to 5 digits, far beyond what could be repeatedly done on an individual basis.  But because the sum of four angles will have some high and some low, the average can yield the suggestion of a more precise number.

The number 1.420405751683 is the hydrogen hyperfine frequency used in multiple departments of astronomy.  The natural log function of x^(1/x) yields a maximum precisely at x= e= 2.718281828.  The production of the hydrogen hyperfine frequency is produced precisely at 2.06175529448 and again at 3.81606638573.  The number 206.17 appears in the Great Pyramid of Giza (see King Chamber blog).  The sum of c13 + c14 divided by 40 produces the second number to five digits.  The complete sum of angles of course must be 360.  The number 1.3125 is the ratio of quantum numbers in the primary hydrogen wavelength series and is a fundamental number as to how the universe we know is organized.  The number 512 is 2 raised to the ninth power. A greater discussion of these types of considerations is given in the King Chamber blog listed at the end.

Just because there are five equations and five unknowns does not mean there must be a mathematical solution.  The arrow in the “find” block indicates this is a “symbolic solution” and is an exact solution.

To most readers, this is just a jumble of numbers with no obvious meaning.  However, it really means that there is substantial probability that the bluestones were carefully laid out and one should dig deeper to find the plan to communicate to us in modern times.

The image below addresses both of these issues.

One can go to the website above to see the image without the red dashed marks and see that the marks are placed with good precision.  This is just one example of a tanzanite gem stone.  The bluestones of Stonehenge contain numerous gem-like stones and it would require a substantial study to determine if one exists that more perfectly matches the tanzanite.  One can see in the upper right corner in red that the angles are very similar to the original angles and also the mathematical model angles.

In modern theories, mainstream archeologists tend to think that the bluestones were used because the builders thought they contained magical powers.  It appears that theory is not far off considering out modern limited ability to understand the potential of Stonehenge.  The analysis above suggests there may be a much higher reason for using the bluestones.

The bluestones are made of a group of minerals called plagioclase feldspar which is part of the family of tectosilicates which makes up about 90% of the earth’s crust.  The Stonehenge sources may have been specially selected to perform certain functions at certain locations.  This area of specialty is such a complex and poorly understood portion of mineralogy that most readers would be daunted.  Readers with special interests can check out the various topics in Wikipedia and read until their heart is content.

In rethinking the discussion on ionic particle flow thru the trilithons, it makes sense that the bluestone groups could act as secondary grids producing some type of amplification in a precisely controlled electrostatic field.

Knowhow at1 ctcweb dot1 net

Jim Branson

Retired Professional Engineering Manager


See also


